Water Security

Despite access to water being a basic human right, access to clean water remains a problem in many areas across Africa, Asia and refugee communities, and increasingly in South Africa. Our water programme aims to improve access to clean water by providing short-term water relief with water tankers and bottled water, and long-term water relief by providing wells and boreholes. By ensuring that people have access to clean water, we also help to prevent waterborne illnesses and improve overall health and wellbeing.

Over the past year we have seen an increased need for water relief in South Africa and we expect the water crisis in the country to grow over the next few years. We provided almost half a million litres of emergency water relief to various areas of the country, and continue to respond to requests for water relief on a regular basis. With some areas being left without a regular water supply for months at a time (especially following the floods in KZN), we also drilled six boreholes to supply schools, Madressahs, Masjids and local communities in the affected area with a regular water supply. Our borehole projects undergo an extensive assessment process to ensure that its use is maximised and that it provides a cost effective and lasting solution for the affected community.
Our well programme continues to bring access to water closer to communities. Over the past year, 99 wells were completed with a further 12 in progress. This will provide local access to water to a further 5,000 families. With an average turnaround time of between 2 and 3 months to complete a water well, we are able to provide clean water within a relatively short period of time.
During 2023, we hope to our grow our well programme as this is a quick and cost effective way to provide regular access to vital water resources to many communities (usually rural) that either don’t currently have water, or have to travel long distances to collect water. We also aim to increase our borehole projects and to explore options for cost effective filtration systems where these may be necessary, as well as to increase our capacity to respond to emergency water relief situations with water tankers and/or flow bins.

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