FAQ’s for Qurbani with Ashraful Aid

How do I pay for more than one Qurbani

  1. you can pay for your qurbani using our online payment system. Depending on which type of Qurbani you are doing, there are options to pay for more than one goat or more than one share of a cow.
  2. Alternatively you can also pay using EFT.

What are the banking details for Qurbani payment

  • Bank Name: First National Bank
  • Account Name: Ashraful Aid
  • Account Number: 628 176 903 41
  • Branch Code: 250655
  • Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
  • Reference: Qurbani + Your Name

How do i add the names of people who the qurbani is being done for

  • On our online payment page, we request our donors to add the names during the payment process
  • For EFT payments, we request that a proof of payment along with the names is sent to finance@ashrafulaid.org

What confirmation do we have that the Qurbani has been done

  • Our donor care team will reach out to you via email or whatsapp once payment has been made to keep you upto date

Can I purchase Qurbani to be done in South Africa with Ashraful Aid

  • Ashraful aid only offers Qurbani of cows in South Africa where you can purchase a share of a cow.
  • We do not offer any facility for Qurbani of goats in South Africa, this is done in Malawi.

Can I get my meat sent to me when performing Qurbani with Ashraful Aid

  • Qurbani done by Ashraful aid is distributed to the less fortunate and under privileged across South Africa and Malawi in its entirety.