“Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim!”
Knowledge doesn’t come to you, but you have to go to it
Ashraful Aid as a Humanitarian Organisation has a limited Zakaat Bursary Programme open for learners wishing to pursue tertiary and vocational studies at any registered institution within South Africa. The courses have to be accredited by SAQA and SETA. The Bursary does not include those studying at private Institutions,
We also have a comprehensive Education programme that includes’; Bursary Fund, School supplies, School feeding projects, Madressah feeding, teacher development and infrastructure development. As a Humanitarian organisation, it is our duty to invest in the youth human capital in line with the National Development Plan of South Africa. The Zakaat bursary programme is available to learners that meet the following criteria:
- The learner qualifies to be a Zakaat beneficiary.
- Acceptance letter.
- The learner is without funding for the academic year.
Bursary Eligibility
The description below is meant to highlight and conscientize the applicant and the applicant’s family as to who may apply and qualifies for a Zakaat Bursary. It is important that both the applicant and the applicant’s family read and understand the information below, before submitting the application form. Ashraful Aid is committed to the upliftment and social welfare of Humanity. This is realised through OUR programmes.
However, the primary target group in this regard are those that society in general have forgotten or neglected and who are generally described as poverty stricken individuals/families, i. e. the unemployed, those with menial or low paying jobs and those with insufficient income as has been identified by Shariah.
Priority fields:
- Teaching
- Farming/Agriculture
- Project Management
- Paramedic
- Energy
- Medical Care
- Artisan
- Sewing
- Baking
- Computer Literacy
What is covered by the bursary:
- Tuition fees
What is not covered by the bursary:
- Meals and accommodation
- Travel costs to and from the University or Institution.
- Stationary costs such as laptops, pens, writing books etc.
Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must satisfy the following minimum criteria before applying for the
Ashraful AID Zakat Bursary:
- You must be a South African Citizen or a Foreign National with a study permit for South Africa.
- You are under the age of 30.
- You must be Zakaatable or eligible to use Zakat funds.
- You must be willing to study or currently studying.
- You are studying towards your first and only degree or qualification.
Selection Process
All applicants are to submit their application and supporting documents by the 31 January annually.
- Candidates will be required to pay their own registration fees.
- All applications and shortlist potential candidates will be contacted.
All applicants will be notified via email or text on the status of their application after the process has been finalised.
Short-listed applicants will be contacted via phone, email or Whatsapp for an interview. NB. The interview will be conducted in person at the AA or via MS Teams/Zoom depending on location.
Successful applicants will be required to complete a bursary acceptance form and Application for Financial assistance Form.
- Submit their registration documents to AA for payments to be processed.
- All payments will be made directly to the learning institution.
- Students are required to submit their mid-year and final year academic transcripts to Ashraful Aid, indicating their progress
- Complete the application.
- Applications with incomplete information will not be considered.
- Applications with incorrect information will lead to your application being disqualified.
- Applications without supporting documents will not be considered.
- Closing date for all applications is 31 January annually. Any applications received after this date will not be considered.
- The application is valid for that year period only.
Required Documents
- A certified copy of a valid matriculation certificate or qualifications. (mandatory to all relevant applicants)
- A certified copy of the identity document of applicant and guardians/parents or spouse.(mandatory)
- If currently studying, full academic records must be attached (mandatory to all relevant applicants)
- For first time applicants, attach a copy of proof of application and/or provisional acceptance letter offer from university/learning institution, Proof of income of applicants, parents/guardian, and spouse if applicable i. e. payslips and 3 months bank statements.
- Motivational letter of why your application should be considered.
- Any other documents required by Ashraful AID to process your application.
Motivational Letter Guidelines
Your motivational letter should speak to the following points:
- Introduce yourself.
- Your background, accomplishments, and achievements.
- The reason behind your course selection, the profession it will lead to and what you will accomplish by pursuing this field.
Submitting Your Application
Kindly note, our applications for 2025 are now closed.
N.B Ashraful Aid reserves the right to award or decline a bursary application.